ACTION ITEMS for Monday October 6, 2017- Election Eve 

1) Are we going to let Trump supporters stay in office? If we don’t win tomorrow what chance do we have in 2018? All of the protesting and calling and e-mailing in the world doesn’t mean squat if they aren’t backed up with votes. And vote “NO” on the Proposed Constitutional Amendment Amending the Homestead Property Tax Assessment Exclusion.

This is a shareable event, so please share it.

2) Preventing Gun Violence: Tell Your Members of Congress that Their Prayers are Not Enough…/preventing-gun-violence-tell…/

3) Here’s the complete “Call to Action” plan for this week from PA Together…/16Cfq3jXoNzkZ9vvPk_1neAJ7a1M…/edit

posted by Phil Dague