Today’s Action Items, Thursday March 8, 2017:

1) Opposition is mounting against 45’s replacement healthcare plan (or lack thereof). The American Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, and the AARP have all voiced strong opposition. Treat this like you would any seriously bleeding wound and KEEP APPLYING PRESSURE. Postcard and call your MOC’s today!

2) Where there is smoke, there is fire. Every day a new piece of the puzzle connecting Trump’s inner circle to Russia. Jeff Sessions has said that he recuse himself from an independent investigation, but as I have today, I still have to say, what investigation? Again, we have to maintain pressure. Let your MOC’s know that this is not going to go away.

3) Third action item? Take no action. Every so often, step back and take a breather. Don’t let yourself get burned out. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. We need you for the long haul. See you tomorrow!