1) One month ago if you had told me that our Facebook group in beautiful Chester County PA could be the target of Russian hackers, I would have thought you paranoid. Now I view it as a real threat. With over 1,600 members and growing, we’re bound to get some infiltrators. Facebook just isn’t that secure. When you register for our website we check to see if you have voted in Chester County, that’s pretty much it. A hacker can’t fake that. Already our more sensitive posts are limited to the website only. Please register today at WWW.INDIVISIBLECHESCO.ORG

2) What’s the big hurry by the GOP to approve Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court? Where was the sense of urgency last year when the seat first became open? Call or e-mail Toomey and Casey today and tell them to at least put the brakes on Gorsuch’s approval, at the very least until the FBI investigation into Russian tampering with the 2016 is over. If he is approved, and then what I think that we all know about Trump’s ties to Russia is validated, well, do we really want a Judge on our Nation’s highest court who the Russians had a hand in placing there?

3) TOMORROW is your last chance to rally in support of the Affordable Care Act. There will be a lunchtime rally at Costello’s offices in West Chester tomorrow at noon. Make your plans to be there and say NO to REPEAL/REPLACE Obamacare!