Action Items for Tuesday March 14, 2017- SNOW DAY! There’s plenty to do from the comfort of your own couch!

1) Pennsylvania Pipeline Resistance Week of Action
Hundreds, possibly thousands, of miles of pipelines are being laid across Pennsylvania despite the objections of residents and landowners. From the Mariner East to the Atlantic Sunrise, resistance is growing in many communities!
Fracking and pipeline companies tell us that we need these fossil fuels even though we know that the vast majority of them are being exported, meaning that there is no benefit for PA residents. Pipeline companies tell us that they are safe despite the millions of gallons of fossil fuels that have been spilled from pipeline ruptures each year.
Meanwhile, PA’s Department of Environmental Protection has been hiding complaints of water contamination and willfully failing to hold the fracking companies responsible. And our new Attorney General Josh Shapiro, who ran his campaign on a promise to hold fracking companies accountable, is failing to investigate the DEP and put permits on hold until the investigation is complete.
How can you join the resistance to these fracking profiteers? Call AG Josh Shapiro’s office today and demand that he investigate the DEP: 717-787-3391


3) Did any of you attend a postcard party this past weekend? Can you please share your feedback with us? Speaking of postcards, since we’re all supposed to stay off of the roads, today would be a great day to coffee-up and write some love notes to our favorite MoCs!

4) Donald, oh Donald, how I loathe thee, let me count the ways! Trump has done a lot in his 53 days in office (1,408 to go, if he makes it). As it concerns YOU, what is the SINGLE WORST THING that 45 has done since Inauguration Day? There’s so many to choose from, we’d like to know which one concerns this group the most. Please post on Facebook group page.