Ours is just one of many, and you can view the details here. Today is a Mission Critical Day for insurance. If you cannot rally — you need to make calls or send faxes. Normally, I’m out there saying “only once per issue” but the issue changed overnight so there is something new to add for your MOC.

Mark Meadows indicated that they will be able to get included in the legislation verbiage that strips out “Essential Benefits” — that means insurance policies do not have to cover medications, nor maternity, nor lab tests, nor hospitalization, etc. If they get that by late morning, they will endeavor to exclude pre-existing conditions. And you know what that means — basically repeal with no replacement and no insurance for most of us.

Ryan Costello has been on the “Undecided” list (google “AHCA Whip Count” for the latest lists, which change hourly) – and we need to reach out to him to let him know personal stories of how these latest changes will affect YOU. So make sure he knows you object EVEN MORE to these proposed changes.

Further — make 10 calls this morning to people you know and get THEM to call and fax. We only have today.