1) Repealing the ACA threatens our civil rights and liberties and harms millions of vulnerable people. Take action now – tell your members of Congress to oppose the American Health Care Act, the ACA repeal bill.
Here’s a handy form that the ACLU has devised to get your message across to YOUR members of congress, all you have to do is type in your name, address, etc. and hit SEND. It only takes a minute so do it NOW!

2) Tweet this pic of Ryan Costello, https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17353671_10207340464103649_4462691064994179864_n.jpg?oh=784e5a90400d5eef8bb1e9b8389aa923&oe=5973D425 include the hashtag Defeat#Trumpcare and @RepRyanCostello

3)Call your reps and so NO to the repeal/replacement of the Affordable Care Act. Here’s a script and suggestions from INDIVISIBLE.COM