Why vote? I get asked this a lot.

Especially in an odd year like 2017.

Where to start?

First, voting is mentioned five times in the US Constitution. FIVE. It’s a protected right. Think about it, nowhere in the Constitution does it mention what an individual has a right to, rather only that a right will not be abridged. For example, the Constitution says that you have a right to free speech, but it doesn’t say you have to use it. Once. Everything about rights not being abridged, or impinged, are mentioned once. Except voting. FIVE TIMES. The enabling legislation of the United States of America thought voting was that important.

Second, people have been imprisoned, beaten and killed so that we have the right to vote today.

Third, when fewer people vote, the votes of those who do vote count more. (One out of 10, vs one out of 100.)

Fourth, remember Edmund Burke’s quote?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

That should especially resonate after the dismal turnout last November.

Fifth, while an odd year election doesn’t have the cachet of a presidential election, the positions to be filled have a direct bearing on your life. The people elected municipally set your taxes. School board members affect what your kids learn. Judges will impact the redistricting map sure to come out of the 2020 Census. The Judge of Elections and Majority and Minority Inspectors determine how fair the election is at your personal polling place.

Sixth, you don’t like the current administration – phone calls may derail some actions, but the permanent answer is to vote them out of office. At all levels.

Seventh, why not? It doesn’t take a lot of time, it’s close to home (if you’ll be out of town there are absentee ballots available) and your voice matters.

So there are seven good reasons to vote. I can’t think of a reason not to…..I’ll be at my polling place. Will you be at yours?