Happy New Year Indivisible Chester County.

It’s a big year, so mark your calendars. First, mark May 15th and November 6th. You should know IMMEDIATELY what these dates signify. Commit to them. Commit your family, friends and neighbors.

Next, mark the time frame of February 13th to March 6th. These are the petition dates for 2018. To get on the ballot a candidate needs to have petitions circulated, signed by a certain number of voters registered to that party who live in his/her district, and then notarized. If you are a fan of a candidate, or candidates, you can circulate petitions if you are a registered voter in the candidate’s party, and live in the district. Contact your candidate(s) to help in the effort. Contact ICC if you need help. Of note: the redistricting case is being fast tracked by the PA Supreme Court, but the GOP has said that they will appeal to the Supremes if things don’t go their way. If district lines are redrawn, that may change the dates and districts.

Then, mark January 20th, which is the Women’s March.

Also, mark January 28th, which is ICC’s first monthly meeting of 2018. We are pleased to announce that we’ve found a place, determined a format, and look forward to holding a meeting at least once every month this year. (We’re STILL looking for an events coordinator….PLEASE see if you can help!) At this meeting we will be reviewing our overall plans for the year, which includes teaching civics, in small doses, at the request of many of our members.

Now that your calendars are ready, think about what YOUR Action Plan is for 2018. Are you committed to vanquishing the incumbent Republicans? Are you thinking of running for office? Is there are specific issue about which you’re passionate? How would you like to be involved? Options abound, and if you are willing to commit 2 hours a month, and $25 in $5 increments to candidates, we can WIN. All it takes is enough people willing to put in a little bit of time.

And what does “WINNING” look like? Pick your antidote:

  • Repeal the tax bill and replace it with something oriented to Main Street.
  • Save the ACA.
  • Reinstate the student loan program destroyed by Betsy DeVos.
  • Save Bears Ears and Grand Staircase.
  • Fair Districts: Across the land.
  • Prevention of voter suppression.
  • DACA reinstated.

That’s just a few — there are HUNDREDS more. Feel free to add your wish list to the comments. What Trump and his minions have done under the cover of darkness should appall you. Maybe you’re already incensed.

As ICC enters its second year, we are committed to moving forward, engaging more people, turning out more voters, training as many people as possible and working towards getting Chester County, and by extension our state and country, to where they need to be. Remember, we must all stand together, or we shall fail alone. Strength in numbers.

Wishing you and your a healthy and happy new year.

Kindest Regards,

Jessica, Phil, Shannon, Kent, Laura, Rich, Greg and Janine
The ICC Leadership Team