All the Intelligence groups say that Russia will endeavor to corrupt the 2018 elections. There is something you can do NOW to help make sure that doesn’t happen here in Chester County.

On Primary Day and Election Day you can work the polls for the County. You will check in voters, help with paperwork, count votes, and anything else to make sure that everyone who can vote, DOES vote, and that the count is honest and valid. All those Judges of Election from last year? They’ll need help! If you know your JoE, just let him/her know you want to participate. Otherwise, call Voter Services at (610) 344-6410 and they’ll find your JoE. There is training (you earn $10 for attending) and then you can work a half day or a full day (and you’ll be paid by the County.) You can work a half day and still work a shift for your local committee or the candidate of your choice.