ICC’s Earth Day Event, April 22, 2018 at Kerr Park in Downingtown, PA
Thanks to our vendors, speakers, bands: KTR Radio and Anna Spackman & Shaun Cephas,
and to all who came out to share Earth Day with ICC on this beautiful day.

Venders, KTR Radio (band) and the ICC team are setting up the park for Earth Day event. Could not have asked for better weather!
ICC's first Earth Day Event
Resting up for the big event
KTR Radio warming up the crowd with blues, jazz and funk
Checking out the venders: LosTresButtoneers: tongue in cheek buttons, Vivant on solar, Mariner Pipeline group, the Sierra Club
Luke, ICC's event coordinator, talking with the Mariner East Pipeline folks
Are you what an activist looks like, I know I am! T-Shirts for sale
Sierra Clubs zone of relaxation and messaging
LosTresButtoneers were selling fun buttons like "It's Mueller Time" and had to add that one to my collection!
What does an activist look like T-Shirts. Don't you need one? Contact Phil at phil@indivisiblechesco.org
Richelle Colucci-Nunn for Natural, responsible cosmetics making a change in our environment..
Reading of The Lorax by 9 year old Grace back up with accompanying music by KTR Radio.
Kids had an opportunity to express themselves through art about Earth Day
Chair of Indivisible Chester County and Downingtown Borough Councilman speaking
Chrissy Houlihan speaking, see speech above
Josh Maxwell, Mayor of Downingtown, speaks
Jill speaks from Mariner Pipelne Group
Jim Wylie from the Sierra Club speaks
A sweet moment with Chrissy
ICC's webmaster, Shannon Browne and her family poses with Chrissy Houlahan
Anna Spackman & Shawn Cephas entertains the last hour of the event
Hanging out on a beautiful day listening to music and speakers.
Men and Women in blue enjoying the weather but available if need be
Below is an excerpt from the end of Grace reading “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss back up by KTR Radio: