On your Primary Ballot will be an option to vote for State Committee – Male and State Committee – Female candidates. Before you get to the polls and go “huh?” here’s some information.

From their website: “The Democratic State Committee is the governing body of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. Founded in 1792, the Committee is responsible for directing and promoting the guiding principles and core values of the institution.”

The Democratic State Committee is comprised of members from all Pennsylvania’s counties, and you will see the names of both men and women running countywide. The Committee meets three times a year, and members serve four-year terms. They work in caucuses, set the tone for the State Party, and work on messaging and support for Democratic campaigns. Some of those caucuses are Regional, and Chester County is part of the South East Caucus.

From their website: “The Republican Party of Pennsylvania is the only organization solely dedicated to growing the Republican Party, and electing Republicans at the Presidential, congressional, state, county and local level throughout Pennsylvania.”

The Republican State Committee members are elected by District, and also serve four-year terms. This means that there are generally only one man and one woman on each ballot. The State Committee is set up in a more centralized structure than the Democratic State Committee.

For both Committees, all voters registered to a party may vote for State Committee for their party. ICC has an interactive candidate guide that will be launching in the next several days, and can be viewed here. All candidates from both parties were invited to participate.