Disbar US Attorney General William P. Barr

Attorney General of the United States, William P. Barr, a lawyer registered with the American Bar Association of New York and the District of Columbia (Registration Number: 4087250) has failed to faithfully execute his duties on behalf of his clients, the people of the United States.

Under the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct, US Attorney General Barr violated his oath as follows :

(1) Conflict of Interest – AG Barr wrote a June 2018 unsolicited memo to the Department of Justice where he questioned the legality of the appointment of Special Counselor Robert S. Mueller III and the scope of his investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 US election thus, thoroughly revealed his bias. When asked during his Congressional confirmation hearings if he would recuse himself, he refused to answer. In spite of his predecessor’s firing (AG Sessions was fired for both recusing himself and thus, refusing the president’s request to fire the Special Counselor) Barr refused to recuse after his confirmation, February 14, 2019.

(A) Self-Dealing – AG Barr was confirmed February 14, 2019. About the same time, his son-in-law Tyler McGuaghey, was hired as an attorney for the White House Counsel’s Office where he is to advise the president and his office on legal matters that concern the president and presidency to include matters under scrutiny and within the scope of the Special Counsel’s investigation.

(B) Misrepresentation of Clients – the People of the United States and their representatives, Congress. Attorney General Barr’s professional conduct is egregious as he has repeatedly engaged in the misrepresentation of material facts and evidence, is non-transparent, unethical and deliberate deception of his clients and Congress.

In 1989 as head of the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel, Barr was asked by Congress to provide the OLC’s legal rationale to support the taking of people into custody on foreign soil without the consent of sovereign government(s). He refused to supply Congress with a detailed, unredacted memo and instead offered a “summary of principal conclusions” that Congress upon review in 1991 learned left out key and substantial aspects of the DOJ’s legal rationale. His actions served to undermine Congressional members’ ability to conduct proper oversight.

On March 24, 2019 Attorney General Barr issued a 4 page “summary of principal conclusions” of Special Counsel Mueller’s Report regarding Russian Interference in the 2016 Election and potential obstruction of justice questions. In this public memo Barr states “the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts.” However, SC Mueller’s publicly released report of April 18, 2019 states otherwise. Paul Manafort, former Trump Campaign Manager and US Citizen passed polling data, Trump campaign status updates and targeted polling data regarding the “battleground states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan” to Russian oligarch with ties to Russian Intelligence and the IRA, Kilimnik. The American public still has questions regarding other US Citizens now under prosecution and their involvement with WikiLeaks, which, per the released report of April 18, 2019 seems to suggest that WikiLeaks served as a platform for the global release of e-mails hacked by Russia in an effort to damage the election prospects of the president’s political opponent.

(2) Legal and Professional Competency – US Attorney General Barr in a Congressional Hearing April 10, 2019 and when he was under Oath, told committee members that “spying” may have occurred of the Trump Campaign, thus questioning the legality of a lawful investigation and the conduct of the very organization, DOJ, that he leads. If Attorney General Barr does not understand that warrants are necessary for surveillance of potential, covert criminal acts and are only granted by a federal judge after substantial and stringent probable cause merits have been met, then his professional competency and ability to execute his client obligations must be questioned. Otherwise, if he does really know better, he committed perjury in his testimony to Congress.

Attorney General Barr also continues to confuse and conflate collusion, a non-crime, with conspiracy – a crime, to the public which he represents. He is not transparent in his terminology and communications with his clients, the people of the United States. He continues to conflate the two terms while publicly speaking in spite of the distinction made by numerous legal experts to include the Special Counselor in his report. US Attorney General Barr is the highest ranking attorney in the United States with the responsibility of ensuring justice in this country. He’s supposed to be the prime legal authority and expert of the land and as such, should know better.

In sum, based on the grounds for disbarment as detailed under the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct and for the aforementioned examples of professional misconduct provided, WE, Attorney General William P. Barr’s clients, request his disbarment from practicing law in all jurisdictions of the United States of America.