The Attorney General of the United States himself, William Barr, personally intervened to try to score a lighter sentence for Roger Stone, the deeply corrupt former campaign adviser to Donald Trump. The Department of Justice is not a private law firm. The Attorney General is not the president’s personal lawyer. The Attorney General and the Department of Justice are supposed to represent the interests of the United States, not the personal interests of Donald Trump. Yet Bill Barr is exploiting his position to run favors for the president.
Bill Barr has no business serving as the Attorney General of the United States, but booting him out of office will be next to impossible. That’s why we need Congress to not only investigate Barr, but to defund his office at the Department of Justice until he (and all the other Trump appointees working in the department) recuses himself from any investigation related to Donald Trump or his associates.
Call your representative, Democrat or Republican, and demand that Congress investigate Bill Barr, and defund Bill Barr’s office until he recuses himself from any Trump-related investigations or prosecutions.
CALL Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) 202-225-4315