Crisis Resources
The summary descriptions provided in this guide are gathered from information provided by the organizations themselves or other publicly available information. The inclusion of a resource or organization in this guide does not imply an endorsement by Indivisible Chester County.
Crisis Resources (Rapid Response)
The Crisis Resources listed aim to defend groups that are most vulnerable to policies of the current Administration and actions by its supporters.
Mass Deportation and/or Anti-Immigration Measures
Know Your Rights!
- There is a massive list of resources on the Informed Immigrant website
- ACLU (English and Spanish) – Immigrant rights and information for other vulnerable communities
- Download and print multi-language cards with instructions on how to protect yourself from Immigration Raids
- The Rights of Lawful Permanent Residents – Download sheets in English and Spanish
- “Red Cards” – Wallet-sized cards that can be slid under door explaining that you are aware of your 4th and 5th amendment rights
- Checklist to prepare financial affairs if you are concerned that you may need to leave the country without warning
- What About My Children – parental rights, arrangements for children, state child warfare agencies
- Migrant Parents’ Guide to Preventing Family Separation
- Patients’ Rights – Advice to community clinics and their clients
Delaware Valley / Pennsylvania – Legal Services
- ACLU of PA
- Legal services in defense of all civil liberties
- 215-592-1513
- African Hispanic Immigration Organization (AHIO), Inc.
- Located in Camden, NJ. Provides Immigration Law and Court Representation
- Alternative website –
- 856-324-5098
- Brophy and Lenahan Law
- Locations in PA and NY. Legal services for LGBT immigration issues
- 215-558-7600
- Camden Center for Law & Social Justice, Inc.
- Locations in Camden, NJ and Atlantic City, NJ
- 856-583-2950 (Camden); 609-348-2111 (Atlantic City)
- Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
- No criminal cases; takes asylum cases; may charge nominal fee
- 215-854-7019
- Chester County Migrant Ministry (no website)
- Provides legal services; assistance with immigration procedures and citizenship classes;
- 645 E. Baltimore Pike, Kennett Square, PA 19348
- 610-444-0387
- Church World Services (CWS) Lancaster
- Lancaster branch of national organization
- Refugee resettlement, employment, and legal services
- 717-381-2890
- HIAS Pennsylvania
- Founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to help Jews escaping the Nazi holocaust
- Continues to assist immigrants and their families from any ethnic, cultural, or religious background
- 215-832-0900
- Mission Santa Maria Madre de Dios (no website)
- 37 S. Pennsylvania Ave. Avondale, PA 19311
- 610-268-3365
- Nationalities Service Center Migration Services
- Based in Philadelphia. Legal protections, access to health and wellness services
- 215-893-8400
- Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center
- Based in York, PA. Legal services for detained immigrants
- 717-600-8099
- Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program (VIP)
- Provides free civil legal services for low income clients: immigration, civil rights, employment
- 215-523-9550
- Prime-Ecumenical Commitment to Refugees (ECR)
- Locations in Landsdowne, PA and Lancaster, PA
- 610-259-4500 (Landsdowne); 717-396-9300 (Lancaster)
National Organizations- Legal Services
- American Immigration Lawyers Association
- Search by type of lawyer, language, and location
- Immigration Defense Project
- Legal assistance, training, and detention services
- 212-725-6422
- United We Dream
- Advocacy for immigrant youth and families, regardless of immigration status.
- 844-363-1423 (for assistance or to report ICE activity)
Muslim Ban and Surveillance
- ACLU Hotline: (to report anyone detained at an airport)
- 415-621-2488
- American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
- 202-224-2900
- Sikh Coalition
- Tracks reports of discriminatory behavior or improper procedures by TSA agents
LGBTQ+ Issues
- Brophy and Lenahan Law –
- Locations in PA and NY. Legal services for LGBT immigration issues
- 215-558-7600
- Equality Advocates Pennsylvania
- 215-731-1447
- 866-LGBT-LAW
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Helpline
- 888-843-4564
- LGBT National Youth Talkline
- Serves youth through 25 years old
- 800-246-PRIDE (7743)
- LGBT Equality Alliance of West Chester
- 484-393-5428;
- PRYSM Youth Center of Delaware County
- 610-357-9948
- The Pennsylvania Student Equality Coalition (PSEC)
- SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline
- 888-234-SAGE (7243)
Women’s Services (health, education, shelter)
- Chester County Hospital, OB/GYN Clinic
- Hospital-based prenatal care for uninsured women in Chester County
- 610-431-5155
- 701 E. Marshall St. West Chester, PA
- Chester County Women’s Services
- Women’s health and educational services
- Coatesville
- 610-383-0930
- 1028 E. Lincoln Highway Coatesville, PA
- Media
- 610-444-4851
- 645 E. Baltimore Pike Media, PA
- West Chester
- 610-918-7088
- 27 South Church St. West Chester, PA
- Home of the Sparrow
- Provides housing, education, family support for women and their dependents
- 610-647-4940
- 969 E. Swedesford Rd. Exton, PA
- Montgomery County Health & Human Services/Pottstown Public Health Center
- STD medical services
- 610-970-5040
- 364 King St. Pottstown
- Planned Parenthood/Healthcare services; 800-230-PLAN
- Coatesville Health Center
- 267-687-6647
- 1001 E. Lincoln Highway Coatesville, PA
- Media Health Center
- 610-566-2830
- 216 West State St. Media, PA
- Norristown Health/Abortion Center
- 610-279-6095
- 1221 Powell St. Norristown, PA
- Pottstown/Collegeville Health Center
- 610-326-8080
- 2081 East High St. Pottstown, PA
- Upper Darby Health Center
- 610-626-9482
- 7200 Chestnut St. Suite 202 Upper Darby, PA
- West Chester Health and Surgical Center
- Health/wellness and abortion services
- 610-692-1770
- 8 South Wayne St. West Chester
- Women’s Resource Center
- Provides educational and social services
- Helpline: 610-687-6391
- 113 W. Wayne Ave. Wayne, PA
- Coatesville Health Center
Health Care Services (general)
- APPRISE (PA), APPRISE (Chester County)
- Helpline: 800-783-7067
- Provides free health insurance counseling for older PA residents with MediCare; a service provided by the Chester County Dept. of Aging and the PA State Insurance Program
- Counseling Sites:
- Church of the Good Samaritan;
- 212 W. Lancaster Ave. Paoli
- 610-344-6035
- Coatesville Senior Center;
- 250 E. Harmony St. Coatesville
- 610-383-6900
- Downingtown Senior Center;
- 983 E. Lancaster Ave. Downingtown
- 610-269-3939
- Government Services Center/Dept of Aging Services
- 601 Westtown Rd. Suite 320 West Chester;
- 610-344-6035
- Kennett Area Senior Center
- 427 S. Walnut St. Kennett Square
- 610-444-4819
- Oxford Senior Center;
- 12 E. Locust St. Oxford;
- 610-932-5244
- Phoenixville Senior Center;
- 153 Church St. Phoenixville
- 610-935-1515
- Surrey Services for Seniors;
- 60 Surrey Way Devon;
- 610-647-6404
- West Chester Senior Center;
- 530 E. Union St. West Chester
- 610-431-4242
- Chespenn Family Health Center
- 744 E. Lincoln Highway Suite 110 Coatesville
- 610-380-4660
- Chester County Clinic Services; 610-344-6252
- Chester County Government Services Center
- 601 Westtown Rd. West Chester
- 610-344-6225
- WIC Office
- 1001 E. Lincoln Highway Coatesville
- 610-383-3824
- WIC Office
- 1120 Newark Rd. Suite 400 Toughkenamon
- 610-268-5153
- CHIP – PA Children’s Health Insurance Program
- Provides medical coverage for uninsured children in PA under 19 years old
- 800=986-5437
- Community Volunteers in Medicine (CVIM)
- Provides free medical, dental, and wellness services to uninsured families
- 610-836-5990
- 300B Lawrence Drive West Chester, PA
- The Clinic
- Provides comprehensive medical care for the uninsured
- 143 Church St. Phoenixville, PA;
- 610-935-1134
- Montgomery County Health & Human Services/Pottstown Public Health Center
- 364 King St. Pottstown
- 610-970-5040
- Chester County Government Services Center
- Church of the Good Samaritan;
Foundational Principles
Campaign Finance Reform
- Center for Families: Support to families for mental health issues of children
- Education Law Center: Equal Education Access for vulnerable children (poor, disabled, LGBT, minority, etc.)
- Second Nurture: Community Adoption
- Southern Poverty Law Center
Criminal Justice Reform
- ARC of Chester County: Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
- Disability Rights and Education Defense Fund: disability rights and policy center
- Disability Rights Pennsylvania: protects and advocates for rights of people with disabilities in PA (includes links to many resources)
- Education Law Center: Equal Education Access for vulnerable children (poor, disabled, LGBT, minority, etc.)
- HUNE (not limited to but Hispanic focus): special education assistance (understanding rights, procedural safeguards, etc. under IDEA)
- The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- The PEAL Center (Parent Education and Advocacy Leadership): Advocacy for special needs families
Environment / Climate Change
- Chester County Conservation District: Promoting sustainable use of natural resources through educational and technical assistance
- Clean Air Council: Philadelphia’s oldest environmental non-profit. Fighting for everyone’s right to breathe clean air since 1967
- Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund: Provides free and low cost legal services and organizing support to protect worker, environmental, democratic rights, and rights of nature
- Delaware Riverkeeper Network: Champions clean water for Delaware River and tributary streams
- GMO Free PA: State-wide grassroots organization that publicizes research regarding the risks of genetically engineered foods and helps consumers select GMO free food products
- Greenpeace: Saving the artic, protecting forests, fighting global warming, protecting our oceans, living toxic-free, promoting sustainable food, defending democracy
- Penn Environment: Protecting the places we love, advancing the environmental values we share, and winning real results for Pennsylvania
- PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: Mission – conserve and sustain PA’s natural resources for present and future generations’ enjoyment
- Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: Mission – protect PA’s air, land and water from pollution and to provide for the health and safety of citizens through a cleaner environment
- Sierra Club (PA Chapter): The only member-led statewide environmental organization in PA. We believe our open spaces, clean water, and natural resources should be protected
- Stroud Water Research Center: Our freshwater research, education, and watershed restoration programs enable businesses, policymakers, and landowners, and individuals to make informed decisions that affect water quality and availability around the world
Ethnic and Racial Minorities
- Anti-Defamation League
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Education (MALDEF)
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
- Southern Poverty Law Center
Gun Violence Prevention
- Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence – national organization whose mission is to cut gun deaths in half by 2025 by changing culture, changing laws , and changing the gun industry. Brady Center’s Legal Action Project has been the nation’s only law group taking on the corporate gun lobby and fighting in the courts to prevent gun deaths and injuries. The Legal Action Project also works with public officials to defend gun laws that are under attack, and challenges laws and regulations that worsen the problem of gun violence.
- Cease Fire PA – statewide organization focusing on education and advocacy to decrease gun violence, track the flow of illegal guns, and keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them . Programs include empowering the community to take a stand against gun violence in the courtroom through Courtwatch, working with law enforcement to identify where guns used in crimes come from through Trackback, and providing comprehensive training and education to new and experienced gun violence prevention activists through their Leadership Institute.
- Everytown For Gun Safety– national organization which advocates for gun control and against gun violence. Everytown was founded in 2014, combining Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and has over 3 million members. Focus is on closing loopholes for background checks, keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, decreasing gun trafficking, and saving lives through education about safe gun storage and responsible gun ownership.
- Sandy Hook Promise – national organization started by several family members whose children and spouses were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary school in 2012 .The emphasis of SHP is prevention of gun violence through research-based programs and practices to help protect children from gun violence in schools and communities. These mental health and wellness programs are provided free of charge to schools and organizations across the country. SHP also advocates for the passage of sensible mental health & wellness and gun safety laws on the state and national level.
Healthcare (ACA)
- Affordable Care Act – All things Obamacare, including information for individuals, families, and small businesses.
- The Commonwealth Fund – Private foundation that studies and tracks issues related to the ACA. Provides grants for independent research. Sign up for alerts and newsletters on numerous topics.
- Kaiser Family Foundation and Kaiser Health News – Non-profit and non-partisan organization focusing on national health issues including: Medicaid and uninsured, study of health reform and data, state health reform, public polling, survey research.
- Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN) –Educating consumers, providers, and organizations on health policy issues. Assistance for enrollment in Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP programs. PHAN also has an active Facebook page.
- S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) – Information on Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and general information on ACA market reforms.
Immigrants and Refugees
- The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Education (MALDEF)
- National Lawyers Guild
- Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition – – Extensive events calendar, publishes list of PA anti-immigration legislation, hosts bi-weekly “Stop the Hate” conference call to coordinate across groups
- Southern Poverty Law Center
Religious Minorities
- The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Anti-Defamation League
- Council on American-Islamic Relations
Right to Privacy
Women’s Health and Rights
- Pennsylvania NOW –
- Planned Parenthood PA –
- The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) –
- Villanova Law Institute –
Senior Citizens (social security, medicare, medicaid)
Voting Rights
Allies, News, Legal Resources
Daily Actions
Faith-Based Groups
Targeting Congressional Districts
News (that is real)
Legal Assistance
- The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Legal Aid of Southeastern PA: for low income individuals, domestic abuse victims, and the elderly
Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Employment Discrimination
Freedom of Assembly and Speech
Good Government
Housing Discrimination
Law Enforcement
Services to Grassroots Organizing
Policy and Political Research
Policy Research
Economic Action
PA Property Taxes
Sanctuary Movement
Separation of Church and State
- Americans United For Separation of Church and State: advocacy/education/legal aid for violations of church state separation
Political Research
PA Budget
PA Legislation
US Budget
US Legislation
Campaign Funding
Tracking Legislation
Elected Representatives’ Backgrounds
Candidate Research
Voting Districts, Elected Officials
Chester County Voting Districts
Find Your US Senator and US Representative by entering a street address
Find Your PA Senator and PA Representative by entering a street address