Standing Up: A Personal Commitment

When I can, and when it is warranted, I stand up. When I can’t, and it’s still warranted, I prop myself up on crutches. And then I speak. People have told me for many years that I am courageous and brave. I am not. I fear snakes, flooding, and my food touching. There...

ACTION ITEM for Wednesday April 11, 2018

    ACTION ITEM for Wednesday April 11, 2018 CONDEMN THE POTENTIAL FIRING OF DEPUTY AG ROD ROSENSTEIN On April 10th, CNN reported that Trump cancelled his trip to the Summit of the Americas in Peru in part to plan a staffing shake-up at the Department of...

Action Item for Wednesday February 15, 2018

All the Intelligence groups say that Russia will endeavor to corrupt the 2018 elections. There is something you can do NOW to help make sure that doesn’t happen here in Chester County. On Primary Day and Election Day you can work the polls for the County. You...

Action Item for Monday February 26, 2018

Here is the weekly “Call to Action” plan from PA Together. As expected, the emphasis is on guns and what we can do about them. Th upcoming primary elections are discussed as well as the PA Supreme Court’s convening today to decide on whether or not...