ACTION ITEMS for Monday March 27, 2017

1) Last week, a lawsuit was filed by a student against the Boyertown Area School District (Joel Doe vs. Boyertown SD). He claims that his right to privacy was violated because he noticed a transgender boy changing in the same locker room. Should this lawsuit prevail, it could set a precedent and destroy much of the progress that we’ve made for the rights of the LGBTQ community.

Full background and action items to support Boyertown School District in their support of a trans-gender student

2) PLEASE go to our website and register for our canvassing training session that we are holding in Malvern next Monday night. To progressively change the world we must start right here in Chester County!
Read Blog on Canvassing HERE



3) Minority chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Adam Schiff is asking the public to demand that the hearing on Monday be open the the public. Majority leader Nunes has decided it will be now be closed to the public and is also refusing to release information. Since information will be discussed about the Trump Campaign’s ties to Russia, it is imperative that the American Public know whether or not the Trump and his associates committed treason. Also, explain that since Nunes has clearly demonstrated his partisanship on the committee, the investigation should be turned over to an independent commission. Usually we don’t recommend calling MoCs that you can’t vote for, but this time we have no choice, and it’s that important!

Here are the numbers below for each Republican members –
Chair Devin Nunes (202) 225-2523 (barrage his office)
Mike Conway (CA) (202) 225-3605
Peter King (NY) (202) 225-7896
Frank Lobiondo (202) 225-6572
Thomas Ronney (FL) (202) 225-5792
Ileana Ross-Lehitinen (FL) (202) 225-3931
Michael Turner (OH) (202) 225-6465
Brad Wenstrup (OH) (202) 225-3164
Chris Stewart (UT) (202) 225-9730
Rick Crawford (AK) (202) 225-4076
Trey Gowdy (SC) (202) 225-6030
Elise Stefanik (NY) (202) 225-4611
Will Hurd (TX) (202) 225-4511