ACTION ITEM for Saturday February 3, 2018

President Trump embarrassed America by pledging to withdraw from the landmark Paris Climate Agreement, saying that he represents “Pittsburgh, not Paris.”
Now, two Senators who actually represent Pittsburgh have countered by saying Pennsylvania should be #StillIn.
Last week, Sierra Club stood with Senators Jay Costa and Wayne Fontana as they introduced Senate Bill 15, which would require Pennsylvania to cut carbon pollution by 30% by 2025, consistent with the Paris Climate Agreement.

Please tell Sen. Dinniman to cosponsor SB 15!

Climate disruption is already taking its toll, as 2017 was by far the costliest year on record for weather-related disaster recovery, surpassing the previous record set in 2005 by more than 40%. Countless lives in Puerto Rico, Texas, California, Florida, and elsewhere have been forever changed by wildfires, hurricanes, and biblical floods. The longer we wait to curb our climate-disrupting carbon pollution, the harder it is going to be to adapt – we need to cut carbon now.

Call on your Senator to Act on Climate! click here to send a quick message to Senator Dinniman to tell him to co-sponsor SB15

Senate Bill 15 aims to fill the leadership void left by the White House, and put Pennsylvania in the company of every other nation in the world and many other states that have committed to address climate disruption. The bill sets an enforceable target of 30% below 2005 levels by 2025 across the statewide economy, and allows the flexibility to achieve the reductions in the most cost effective way possible. This will ensure that we do not have to choose between a healthy environment and a healthy economy.

posted by Phil Dague