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Date(s) - 03/21/2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

J.R. Fugett Middle School

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On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 7 pm at Fugett Middle School representatives from Sunoco will be present to explain what the residents can expect during the Pennsylvania Pipeline Project and to answer questions from the residents.

Fugett Middle School
500 Ellis Lane
West Chester, PA 19380

For anyone in CHESTER COUNTY, PA – Sunoco reps will be at Fugett Middle School Tuesday night, March 21st at 7PM to tell us “wonderful things” about the PA pipeline going in our area – I’d highly suggest you show up for this meeting if we are to ever change the direction of climate change and the greed of the fossil fuel industry! And lets not forget the impact to our drinking water! How about we press our community leaders why we are not investing in solar, wind or hydro?



(you’ll notice that item 4 on the agenda is to ask who is recording the meeting – not sure if they are looking to block people from doing so or what – its a public meeting and I see nothing from any of us recording or going live on FB with this)