Date(s) - 12/14/2017
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Categories No Categories
Hosted by Free Press Action Fund and 4 others
Trump’s FCC Chairman Ajit Pai plans to end Net Neutrality on Dec. 14, 2017 — this will be the end of internet freedom as we know it.
That means the end of activists and creators of color being able to reach the masses without being censored or blocked. That means the end of open access to small business websites that are the lifeblood of our communities.
Instead, big companies like Verizon and Comcast will get to decide what messages get heard and how, based on what’s good for their profits — just like serial salesman Trump likes it.
TAKE ACTION: Join us in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, Dec. 14 for a Net Neutrality Wake Up Call, an unprecedented gathering of people like you who refuse to let the internet die.
Here are the details—
Who: Hundreds of activists, musicians, lawmakers, former FCC commissioners, and others from around the country who aren’t afraid to resist.
What: Net Neutrality Wake Up Call Rally
When: Thur., Dec. 14 at 9:00 AM
Where: FCC Headquarters
This administration thinks we’re so distracted by their barrage of bad policy that we’ll just let our internet freedom slip away. It’s critical for us to speak out right now.
It’s time to call out the lies. It’s time to protect the public interest. It’s time to show up for Net Neutrality. Tell your friends, family and fellow resisters: Wake up and Save the Internet.
RSVP on Eventbrite to receive important updates and reminders about the rally –