What’s Going On With ICC?

July was a busy month for ICC.  The Monthly Meeting was held at World of Beer in Exton. There was no program to speak of, but we did endeavor to get people to meet new people by having everyone move one seat to the right every 15 minutes. The table was narrow, so it...

What is Indivisible Chester County?

The question arises often, in various forms: What is ICC? What do you people do? What does ICC stand for? How are you different from other groups? Why are you so much bigger than other groups? First, a little history. In January of 2017, a lot of people were forming...

Welcome to 2018!

Happy New Year Indivisible Chester County. It’s a big year, so mark your calendars. First, mark May 15th and November 6th. You should know IMMEDIATELY what these dates signify. Commit to them. Commit your family, friends and neighbors. Next, mark the time frame...